Hello, Bibliophile!

Welcome to UltimateBookReviews.com.

I guess you love books.

I love them too.

Who doesn’t love books?!

Books are plain awesome!

If we think of it, they’re time machines, really.

“Books are a uniquely portable magic”

Stephen King

But there is not enough time 🙁

I know, I feel you there.

DK Personal Library

See, I had 35 books in 2019, 218 by 2020, 517 by 2021, and its touching 700 in 2022.

I know how hard it is NOT to buy new books. 😀

It is harder deciding on the number of books to buy.

Even harder is to figure out which one to read first.

Or, whether to read few of them together.

But, you are at the right place.

I will do most of the heavy lifting for you.

In the blog, you will find detailed book reviews, summaries and notes.

There will be reviews of some popular and some not-so-popular-but-great non-fiction books.

While the books reviewed here cover a wide range of topics, you will find that the topics revolve around psychology and productivity, mostly.

Take your time, dive in, and explore.

Then, if you decide to buy a particular book.

Go ahead, use my affiliate link to buy your new copy, read it, and write another great review.

And ‘don’t forget’ to share it over DM on Twitter, or Instagram.

I would love to read it.

Until then, have a great time reading here. 🙂